Each dish is beautifully prepared, Using plenty of seasonal and local ingredients all so sumptuously presented that it will fill you with admiration for a while.
Dinner Time/From 6:00pm or6:30pm
Breakfast Time/From 8:00am or 8:30am

Relax comfortably in any style you like in the guestroom
A maximum of 35 persons are accepted.
AMENITIES/Yukata, BathTowels, Face Towels, Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Face Lotion, Face Milk,Face Cleansing Oil, TV, Refrigerator, Toilet, Hair Drier, Futon

Relaxing in a spacious bathtub soothes away daily fatigue and stress. With the outside scenery coming in a rich seasonal variety of the mountains, You will be refreshed both mentally and physically.
COLOR/Colorless and Transpoarent
EFFECT/Effedtive for various medical pain; neuralgia, muscle pain, bruise, etc.
BATH AMENITIES/Body Soap, Shampoo, Rinse, Hair Brush, Cotton Swab

Facilities/Vending Machine, DiningRoom,Rooms Services with additional charge,
CreditCard/VISA,MASTER,JCB,DC,UFJ,NICOS *Unacceptable by online reservation
Check In/15:00~18:00
Check Out/ ~10:00
Parking/Free parking lot of 12 cars

There is much spot which should be visited in NIKKO and Kinugawa.
For example, “Toshogu” is a historical place,that is registered with world heritage.

By the Car
TOKYO - ExpressHighWay (90min)- UTUNOMIYA I.C.- NikkoUtsunomiya Road (15min)- IMAICHI I.C.- R121(30min)- KINUGAWA FUDOTAKI
By the Train
TOBU ASAKUSA st. - Tobu Express SPACIA(120min) - KINUGAWAONSEN st. - taxi(3min)- KINUGAWA FUDOTAKI